We want to collaborate with all the organizations and individuals that share any part of our vision so that we can transform and empower the children and youth of Nepal and help create a new educational model that is in line with the 21st century producing happier, self-motivated and more socially responsible citizens.
Looking for innovative educational collaboration opportunities with your school?
If you are a school or children’s home and would like to enroll your students/children into any one of our programs, or you are an organization looking for collaboration opportunities, please take a quick look at our programs and see what we do at EduLift and if they may interest you.
Some ideas for collaboration include sending your students/children to our facility to learn more about our project or having our program staff visit your site for EduLift informational sessions. For more discussion on how you would like to collaborate with EduLift, please contact us.
Looking for interns/volunteer opp
At EduLift, our interns/volunteers are a vital part of our sustainability. Since our initiation, we have been very lucky to get some of the most enthusiastic and able folks from different communities and cultures to help us in our educational journey. If you like to involve volunteer opportunities with EduLift please do write to us at [email protected]